Diabetic Retinopathy – Symptoms, Diagnose And Treatment

Diabetic retinopathy targets your retina as an eye disease. Anyone suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar can get affected by this condition. If one does not get proper treatment, diabetic retinopathy can turn into blindness and loss of vision.

What are the symptoms associated with retinopathy?

– Impaired color vision
– Poor vision at night
– Blurry vision
– Dark strings, floaters, and transparent spots that come in the way, whichever way you look
– Streaks or patches that block the vision of the person
– An empty or dark spot on the vision’s center

What happens during Diabetic retinopathy?

Due to high levels of blood sugar, there can be blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina and cut off the supply of blood.  Therefore, the eye tries to develop new blood vessels. But, these blood vessels have a leaking problem.

Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy:-

An eye doctor will diagnose diabetic retinopathy in the following ways.

– By checking your peripheral vision
– Visual acuity
– Pupil response
– Eye muscle function
– Intraocular pressure to eliminate the risks of glaucoma

The doctor will also put some eyedrops in order to dilate your pupils and check the following:-

– Retina swelling
– New blood vessel growth
– Bleeding in the eye’s center
– Abnormality in the blood vessels

Treatment for diabetic retinopathy:-

Early diabetic retinopathy

In case you have moderate or mild diabetic retinopathy, you will not require treatment immediately. But, your eye doctor will be monitoring your eyes closely to check whether you need any treatment. Therefore, the doctor may come up with a plan to manage your diabetes. It is because good control of blood sugar can reduce the progression.

Advanced diabetic retinopathy


This process involves a small incision to eliminate blood from the vitreous and the scar tissue in the retina. The procedure will require general anesthesia.


It is a laser treatment that will prevent the leakage of fluid and blood from the eye. Leaks from the abnormal blood vessels will get treated with laser burns.

Injecting medicines into the eye

Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors will be injected into the vitreous and restrict the buildup of fluid and other blood vessels.

Panretinal photocoagulation

This laser treatment is targeted toward reducing abnormal blood vessels. In this procedure, the parts of the retina that are not near the macula get treated with scattered burns of the laser.


If you seek treatment for your diabetic retinopathy, reach out to Doctor Eye Institute situated in Andheri West, Mumbai.

Doctor Eye Institute is well-equipped to treat all kinds of eye problems ranging from cataracts and bladeless Lasik surgery to serious defects such as Glaucoma, Corneal transplantation, and other retinal problems.

Do you want to find a diabetic retinopathy specialist in Mumbai and get diabetic retinopathy treatment in Mumbai?