Eye Camps and Eyecare Awareness Lectures
Doctor Eye Institute Pvt. Ltd. has been pioneer in providing many world class treatments for total eye care in mumbai, India. For decades we have provided the best equipment and facilities keeping updated with changing times and technology – a pursuit for excellence has been our tradition.
We regularly conduct FREE EDUCATIVE LECTURE ON TOTAL EYE CARE and hold FREE EYE CAMPS for benefit of masses at societies, schools, colleges, social organizations and NGOs. We also visit schools for eye check up of students. We run a Diabetic Retinopathy Centre for laser treatment of Retinal damage due to Diabetes.
We have a team of highly qualified ophthalmologists with us. Our team includes Anterior segment Surgeons, Glaucoma Specialists, Vitreo Retinal Surgeons, Oculoplasty Surgeons (for Plastic Surgery around the Eye), Squint Specialists and Pediatric Ophthalmologists.

In their talk Doctors will include various topics on Eye Care like…
- Good Diet for eyes. Benefits of Vitamin A OR how does its deficiency affect eye?
- Does reading and watching T.V. worsen your eyes? How one should read, watch T.V.?
- Various Myths related to eyes including diet, excessive usage of gadgets like mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc., applying or putting anything in your eyes other than prescribed by an qualified ophthalmologist and how to use of Contact Lens.
- How you can check whether your kid is having a refractive error or lazy eye, etc and if he can be treated for LOW VISION.
- Effect of Diabetes and Hypertension on eye.
- How any person can check at home whether he or she has developed Cataract or not.
- Information on Cataract & LASIK Surgery, myths associated along with these surgeries related to injection in eye, stitches, post operative results, etc.
- Information on Eye Donation…and many more.
Doctor Eye Institute in association with Dr. Jayesh. N. Doctor Charitable Trust has recently acquired Mobile Ophthalmic Van for conducting free eye check up camps in the slum and under privileged areas. This will provide relief and care to the underprivileged citizens living in the backward and interiors pockets as well as the outskirts of the city. These eye check up camps at their premises in mobile eye clinic will assist people who had little interaction with the outside world beyond the limits of their area and practically no access to health care.