Welcome To Doctor Eye Institute Pvt. Ltd.
Doctor Eye Institute, established in 1964, is a state of art eye care center with all the latest and most modern ophthalmic equipment and facilities. For the last 58+ years in service, Doctor Eye Institute Pvt. Ltd. has been the pioneer in providing many world-class treatments for Total Eye Care in Mumbai, India. For decades we have provided the best equipment and facilities keeping updated with changing times and technology – a pursuit for excellence has been our tradition.

An ISO 9001 – 2008 certified and NABH accredited hospital with the following facilities.
- Robotic Laser Bladeless Cataract surgery by Phaco emulsification using Femto Laser Z8 and White star Signature machine. (This machine is first in Maharashtra and third in whole of India.)
- LASIK surgery for correction of refractive error or removal of glasses using ESIRIS SHWIND EXCIMER LASER WITH ONLINE PACHY.
- Glaucoma diagnostic and surgery equipment’s.
- Equipment’s for evaluation and treatment of Retinal Disorders like FFA, B scan, Green laser, Vitrectomy etc.
- Facility for performing specialized surgeries like Squint, Keratoplasty or Corneal Grafting, Oculoplastic Surgeries etc.
Till Date thousands of cataract and LASIK surgeries have been performed at the institute with consistent results.
Chief Medical Director, Doctor Eye Institute, Dr. Jayesh N. Doctor D. O. (London) has established the institute in 1964. Dr. Jayesh Doctor was amongst the first In India to start Cataract Surgery with Intra Ocular Lens Implantation.
His son , Dr. Kumar J. Doctor, our Medical Director, is an internationally renowned Phaco and Refractive Surgeon who demonstrates Phacoemulsification and LASIK surgery all over India and abroad. He has won many national and international awards in Ophthalmic conferences held all over world. Dr. Kumar Doctor has contributed a no. of chapters in many textbooks in Ophthalmology.
Doctor Eye Institute
Doctor Eye Institute was established 1964. For decades we have provided the best equipment and facilities for anterior segment – Cataract, Cornea, Glaucoma evaluation, Refractive Surgery(LASIK) i.e. number removal (+ or -) with Excimer for people suffering from Diabetes, Glaucoma and other diseases.
Our services are as follows:
Routine Examination
- Refraction: Computerized and Subjective Eye Check-up, using AUTOREFRACTOR.
- Phoroptor slide projector: Useful especially in children who cannot read.
- Slit lamp examination: Biomicroscopy for routine examination of various structures of eye, cornea, angle, iris, lens and retina etc.
- Fundus examination: Retinal check up with direct and indirect microscopy.
- Intra ocular pressure: with Shiotz Tonometer (Contact) and Non Contact Tonometer to check eye pressure.

Evaluation Of Cataract
- KERATOMETER: Corneal Curvature examination.
- CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY: Orbscan II for Evaluation of the corneal surface with K-reading and Pachymetry.
- “A” Scan: Measurement of I.O.L. (Intra Ocular Lens) power to be implanted during cataract surgery.
- YAG LASER: Removal of Secondary Cataract, which may have developed after Cataract Surgery.
- Pentacam
CATARACT SURGERY : Signature Phaco Machine — Abbott USA
No-Stitch Cataract Surgery under Topical Anaesthesia by Phacoemulsification and foldable monofocal/multifocal/Toric IOL implant.
Retinal Evaluation
- RETINAL ANGIOGRAPHY: (F.F.A.) Photographing the Retina in cases where retinal evaluation is required. It is very useful for people suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension and any other vascular diseases of the eye.
- “B” Scan: Sonograhpy of the eye is useful for evaluation of retina and vitreous even in presence of a mature cataract
- OCT: OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY It is non contact procedure to get the detail, high resolution, cross sectional images of eye. It is a technique for obtaining sub-surface images of translucent or opaque materials & provide cross sectional images.

Glaucoma Evaluation
- FIELD TEST: Using Auto perimeter for judging damage on optic nerves caused by glaucoma.
- GONIOSCOPY: for angle structure evaluation in Glaucoma and Macular evaluation.
- NON CONTACT TONOMETER: Helps evaluation of glaucoma and measurement of eye pressure without physically touching the eye.
- SPECULAR MICROSCOPE: for examination of endothelial cells of cornea.
Laser Refractive Surgery
- FIELD TEST: Using Auto perimeter for judging damage on optic nerves caused by glaucoma.
- Carriazo Pendular MICROKERATOME Germany
- Workstation – WaveFront Analyser,Wavefront Sciences USA
- The latest flying spot technology to correct refractive error (remove + or – number ) and eliminate dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
- Presbyopic Correction-spectacle free vision after 40. Removal of reading glasses

Contact Lenses and Glasses
- Various types of contact lenses – hard, semi soft, soft, toric soft, disposable and cosmetic lenses. Varilux, bifocals, ultra thin glasses as prescribed.