Paediatric Ophthalmology: What does it mean?

According to definition, paediatric Ophthalmology concentrates on treating several eye diseases. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is the leading problem of eye disorders in children.

Research shows that 1 out of 6 has a vision-related issue. In some children, it occurs during birth, and in some, it appears in the long run during toddler years.

The most common eye disorders are:-

– Squint
– Drooping of upper eyelids
– Lazy eye
– Refractive errors

Eye diseases in newborns include:-

– Congenital glaucoma
– Cataract
– Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

It is necessary to rectify the disease and correct the vision, or else it can lead to impaired vision, a high number of spectacles etc. This occurs because the optic nerve connecting to the eye is still developing; hence, the development is interrupted if any disease occurs. However, if the problem grows severe in extreme cases, it can permanently lead to blindness.

How to notice these problems?

When children complain about their visual skills, like not being able to see near or far away. Notice problems of squinting, drooping eyelids and lazy eyes. If any such issues are seen, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Noticing the problem and taking action right away can cure the problem. As parents, it is their responsibility to check their screen time and TV patterns, children wearing other’s spectacles.

What are all the problems Paediatric ophthalmologists treat?

Paediatric Ophthalmologists treat children with problems with serious eye infections and those who are suffering from occurring eye conditions due to juvenile arthritis or type 1 diabetes. Some of the common diseases which are treated-

Paediatric cataract:-

A condition which causes clouding of the eye lens. They can develop at birth or at present. In this, one has to keep track of the vision. This disease can be corrected by performing surgery.

Strabismus (crossed or wandering eyes):-

They were experienced by 4% of children worldwide. Both the eyes may happen to move the centre or the outer corner. Early treatment can cure this disease, and then the vision can thrive.

Ambylopia (lazy eye):-

Paediatric cataracts and Strabismus can lead to Amblyopia. The most common cause of this disorder is that it goes unnoticed, so it gets too late to be cured. The doctor prescribes a few eye drops, which forces the brain to stop vision loss.

Blocked tear ducts

Common in newborns. It occurs when tubes carry tears away from the eye. Usually, the tear ducts are cleansed on their own, but when they don’t, a procedure is performed.

However, these disorders show some symptoms that need to be observed. Symptoms like-

– Sensitivity to the light
– Crossed or wandering eyes
– Persistent pus, red and watery eyes
– Squinting
– Frequently rubbing eyes
– Tilting them is hard to see.

These conditions generally occur due to reasons like:-

– Premature birth
– Children with genetic disorders
– Learning disability or delay in development
– A history of eye disorders in family

In the case of eye disorders, early diagnosis can save vision, and the hassle of medicines and procedures can be prevented. You can visit Doctor Eye Institute for your treatment. It is one of the finest eye institutes in Mumbai!

Doctor Eye Institute Pvt. Ltd., ISO 9001:2015 is a certified eye hospital in Mumbai, India, that provides state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to keep abreast of changing times and technology to ensure that safe, accurate and affordable treatment is delivered to our patients.

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