Recovering after a Cataract Surgery.
A surgery sounds heavy but there is absolutely nothing to worry about especially in the case of a Cataract Surgery. You can very easily go back to your normal life just within a few days post the surgery. However it is necessary to take care and follow a few things to make sure your recovery takes place effortlessly.
The work required is very simple and minimal. Let’s break it down for you in the form of simple do’s and don’ts below:
Do’s and Don’ts after Cataract Surgery
- On the same day after surgery it is recommended to rest at home. Avoid driving the very same day because we use certain medications in the eye that may cause blurriness for a while. You may watch TV and digital devices in good lighting but restrict the duration to avoid eye strain.
- Any water, dust or dirt should not enter the eye after the surgery. So it is recommended to take a shower chin below. Women should be careful while washing their hair and avoid water or shampoo /soap from getting into the eye. It is recommended to visit a salon 2-3 days after the surgery to get a reclined hair wash if need be. You may wipe your face down with a clean wet towel.
- A protective eyewear like transparent goggles should be worn around the eyes for all waking hours for a period of 2 weeks.
- Eye drops must be used as recommended and advised by the eye doctor after the cataract surgery.
- Apply an eyeshield over freshly operated eyes for a week during sleep.
- Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes until a month after the cataract surgery.
- Must avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for a month after cataract surgery.
- Walking after 2-3 days and light jogging is permitted after a couple of weeks.
- Avoid swimming or applying eye makeup for 4-6 weeks.
- Do not drive or fly without clearing it out with your eye doctor first. Ideally we wait for 3-4 days after surgery before allowing interstate/ intercontinental travel.
All you need to know about your eye drop application and eye cleaning.
- Use clean washed hands for your eye drop application. Tilt your head behind slightly while looking upwards. Pull your lower eyelid down gently and squeeze until the drops get in your eye. Close your eyes and wipe the unnecessary liquid off. Only a single drop is to be instilled from the bottle.
- To clean your eyes, you must use clean boiled water that has been allowed to cool down. Using clean, washed hands dip a cotton or clean gauze into the cool boiled water and wipe from near your nose to the outside corner of your eyes. You must remember not to press the eye, wash out the eye or to wipe inside the eye, that could be dangerous.
Signs you must visit your eye doctor or your nearest ophthalmologist clinic.
Your eye doctor will follow up with you 2-3 times after your surgery with you for a month. After a month a final check up is done and a glass power prescription will be provided by the ophthalmologist. But in case of the following situations please visit your eye doctor immediately.
- Sudden redness or a discharge from the eye that has been operated.
- Severe headaches or eye pain that don’t get better with medication.
- Deterioration in vision all of a sudden.
- Onset of flashes or floaters after the cataract surgery.
Cataract surgeries are painless these days. It is important to listen to your eye doctor and to not compare your healing with anyone else’s as it varies between individuals. Mumbai’s Doctor Eye Institute offers highly qualified and experienced surgeons for cataract surgery.v