Mobile Eye Van Clinic in Mumbai
The Doctor Eye Institute provides the best Mobile Eye Van Clinic in mumbai. They also provide The Mobile Ophthalmic Van, which also makes visits to schools, societies, and corporate offices to conduct eye exams on students and employees. JNDCT-“Dr. Jayesh. N. Doctor Charitable Trust’ was started in December 2008 with the sole intention of making ophthalmic facilities available to people of socioeconomic classes deprived of proper eye treatment due to lack of resources.
At present our JNDCT is operating on the same premises as Doctor Eye Institute (our major donor) and is engaged in providing Quality Eye Care to patients. We examine about 10000 patients and perform about 500 Cataracts and other eye surgeries per year and now with increasing demand for quality eye care, we are planning to increase the number of surgeries to 2000 per year.

Doctor Eye Institute Pvt. Ltd. has been a pioneer in providing many world-class treatments for Total Eye Care in Mumbai for the last 60+ years in service, India. For decades we have provided the best equipment and facilities keeping updated with changing times and technology. Our doctors have combined experience of over 75 years of Eye Care and Surgery which makes Doctor Eye Institute simply the most trusted institute.
Why the need for Mobile Eye Van Clinic?
Most recently in association with Doctor Eye Institute, the TRUST has acquired fully equipped Mobile Ophthalmic Van with all the instruments required for primary diagnosis of eye during FREE EYE CHECK UP CAMPS. It will bring awareness towards eye care and provide relief to the underprivileged living in the backward and interiors pockets of the city.
JNDCT Mobile Ophthalmic Van also visit schools, societies and Corporate Offices for eye check up of students and work force. Most people know that they should have an eye screening done but the barriers are a lack of time, easy access, and cost.
In camps, any eye sight disorders are identified which prevents the onset of retina disorders, macular degeneration or glaucoma caused with diabetes and hypertension. In India, diabetes is an epidemic and diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness.

- Axial length
- Corneal curvature radius
- Anterior chamber depth
- Central corneal thickness
- White-to-white distance
- Pupil size
What facilities are available on the mobile eye clinic?
Following details are covered in FREE EYE CHECK-UP CAMP:
- Refraction: Computerized and Subjective Eye Check-Up, Using Autorefractometer
- Check up of eye pressure with Tonometer.
- Manual Vision/ Refraction
- Consultation By Experienced, Qualified Ophthalmologists
- Education On Total Eye Care Awareness
- Clinical & Surgical Assistance As Discussed
Appeal for Donation Mobile Eye Van Clinic
Recent inflation in cost of treatment has made it very difficult for the JNDCT trust to give Free Quality Eye Care Treatment. We appeal to you, to donate generously. Your donation will provide us strength and enthusiasm to treat more and more needy patients and bring cheers to their lives.
The donation will be utilized for conducting FREE EYE CHECK UP CAMPS in the slums and under privileged areas and providing 1000 complex eye surgeries totally cost free in next year , to indigent patients who will be treated at Doctor Eye Institute.
Mobile Eye Check up Camps helps in prevention of diseases and also provides ease of access for work force when camps are conducted at office premises and societies.
How you can participate………
- We can arrange an Eye Check Up Camp at your doorstep for members of your society or company.
- Sponsorship of one day screening is Rs.15000-200000, depending on location and number of people.
- The cheque can be drawn in the favour of “Dr. Jayesh N. Doctor Charitable Trust”
- The Trust has 80 G clearance, so all donations are exempt from the Income Tax
For Further Contact: Mobile Eye Van Clinic?
Community Outreach and Eye Camp Co-ordinator Kalpesh Pahurkar
Call : 9930309458 / 7506252428 / 8291215664